Wood pellets

We run two modern pellet production facilities in Böta Kvarn and Norrköping. With a joint production capacity of approximately 60,000 tonnes per year, we supply both households and companies with high quality Swedish-made dry pellets featuring a high heating value.

High-quality pellets

Flygbild, skog, traktor och timmer

We manufacture our pellets exclusively from spruce and pine shavings. And since we only use shavings, we do not need to dry raw materials, which translates into major energy cuts. During the manufacturing process, we incorporate starch in order to make our pellets dimensionally stable. The end product results in high-quality pellets with excellent properties that ensure high efficiency, trouble-free operation and minimal waste material. BKtech’s pellets can be delivered in bulk, on pallets or in big bags.

Pellet technical specifications

  • Our pellets are manufactured in accordance with SS-EN ISO 17225-2 A1
  • Densitet: ≈ 680kg/m³
  • Energy value: 4.8 kWh/kg
  • Moisture content: ≤ 10%
  • Ash content: ≤ 0.3 weight %
  • Additive: starch
  • Size: Ø 8mm – length max 4 x Ø

Wood pellets for businesses

Wood pellets represent a future-proof energy alternative for heating plants, industries, real estate and other energy-intensive facilities. Our carriers employ environmentally certified vehicles that are equipped to handle fuel pellets, and the product is unloaded according to our guidelines in order to guarantee top quality. In addition, the geographical location of our factories provides a unique opportunity for resource-efficient logistics management with minimal environmental impact per tonne delivered.

Pricing and delivery

Our ordinary delivery area covers Blekinge, Småland and Östergötland. We primarily deliver our own products, but are also able to deliver pellets manufactured by other parties to those of our clients who have signed an energy supply contract, depending on what is best for our clients location-wise. Therefore, variations may occur regarding our delivery area.
You can read more about our delivery terms here.


Böta Kvarn bulk pellets 8 mm: FROM – 4.295 kr/tonne*
Böta Kvarn pellets 8 mm: FROM – 3.595 kr/pallet*

The specified rates apply to deliveries of at least 4 pallets and 4 tonnes respectively. When ordering smaller volumes, the price per kilo will increase. Rates include VAT.

    Ordering pellets

    Fill in our contact form to place a pellet order. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact our customer service at 010-207 08 48 or send an email to Böta Kvarn directly at order@botakvarn.se. order@botakvarn.se

    Our customer service is open on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m., with lunch closing between 12 p.m. and 12.30 p.m. In the period May-August opening hours are 7 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

    (*mandatory fields)

    André Kraft, BKtech

    Any questions about pellets?

    André Kraft

    Business area manager (Wood Pellets)

    +46 (0)70-140 10 28


    Contact me